A last-ditch effort to wake up the “Trump Christians”

samantha rafalowski
4 min readOct 14, 2020

This is not a rant. This is not about politics — this is about the difference between right and wrong, and protecting our fellow human. I sincerely believe our current administration is detrimental to the well-being of the American people. Every single one of us.

An argument I see against this is Christianity as a whole, and this hurts me. What Christianity has been reduced to in 2020 is nothing more than a white-washed fundamentalist crusade for God. If Amy Coney Barrett were a Muslim woman, she would be (rightly) labeled as an extremist. But because she is a nice white lady, she gets a free pass. She shouldn’t.

It is borderline sacrilegious to claim the current administration upholds the teachings of Jesus; I fully believe in God and know from His teachings that He disapproves of the gross inequality and systemic racism in this country. Jesus was a COLORED MAN who faced DISCRIMINATION EVERY DAY. And yet, the Trump administration claims that if you call yourself a Christian, it means intentionally turning a blind eye to all of the following:

  • Barrett wrote that being called the n-word at work by your supervisor does not constitute a hostile or abusive work environment.
  • The Trump administration failed to support adequate fiscal stimulus during the coronavirus pandemic, which left hundreds of thousands dead, more in mourning, many evicted, homeless, and starving. Think: “He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.”
  • It has engaged in persistent efforts to take away workers’ health care.
  • It has persisted in attempts to end DACA. Would your God deport refugees and children who built their lives on this land? Would your God tear apart families, killing some and sterilizing others?
  • It excluded millions of workers from paid leave provisions in the Families First Coronavirus Relief Act (FFCRA), including 9 million health care workers and 4.4 million first responders.
  • It pushed to lower wages for migrant farmworkers.
  • The Trump administration rescinded Obama-era guidance to keep transgender students in schools, including equal access to bathrooms and other school facilities and programs. What is the main lesson in the Bible? To love each other. No matter your feelings toward the LGBTQ+ community, surely you would agree that we are not placed on this Earth to judge others. That is the work of God alone. Thus, justifying acts of cruelty and further marginalization in the name of God is offensive to say the least.
  • Trump has denied women reproductive, educational, and counseling services, and attacked Planned Parenthood. Women: no more birth control, no more IVF, no more abortion access. To be pro-choice does not mean you must get an abortion. This simply means you respect the private decisions other women make with their bodies, as there are many, many considerations (rape, abuse, illness, etc) a woman must weigh in this decision; and lucky for you, you don’t need to even think about it at all! Simply respect a woman’s right to choose, or you better be fostering at least a handful of the hundreds of thousands of children in government care. No time for that? I guess you aren’t so pro-life after all once those babies are grown up and struggling.

There are many more. Simply put: do not attempt to justify the mistreatment of others (BIPOC, women, LGBTQ+) with religion. It is the most ass-backwards logic I have ever heard.

Lastly, if your defense of this administration is founded in the economy, I encourage you to question why a monetary system is more important to you than the lives of your fellow human beings. If you can somehow justify that, Trump added $8.3 Trillion to the national debt.

By the way, the world is going to literally burn up if we keep letting the economy dictate all of our decisions. Millions of acres on Earth burned this year. We’re running out of time, and guess who doesn’t have time for four more years of mistreatment of the Earth that God gave us to live on? The human race.

It’s not too late to vote, and it’s not too late to challenge the beliefs which were instilled in you by those who benefitted most from the complete lack of empathy and kindness toward marginalized groups (read: systemic hatred).

This isn’t even about Trump. It’s about the US Government playing God for far too long, and in doing so, failing all of its citizens at once. Do I think Biden-Harris holds the answers? I most certainly do not. In fact, I do not think voting Biden-Harris will improve the conditions in the USA much, if at all. That said, a vote for Biden-Harris is a vote against justifying the mistreatment of others in the name of God. It is a vote in the hopes that we stray from our current trajectory. Trump cannot acknowledge police brutality. He cannot condemn white supremacy. These are some of the utmost basic things we need from a leader, especially in a time like this, when so many of our Black brothers and sisters are dying senselessly each day as our President shrugs his shoulders. Your silence is an act of approval.

You are far closer to being homeless than to being a billionaire. Remember this always, and remember to treat others with kindness. That means disapproving of leaders who do not.

